Thursday, April 25, 2019

8. Unit 3 Project

  • Upon completion of your podcast, you will write a three-sentence summary for your 8th blog post.
  • Include your podcast in your post
  • 3 Sentence Summary Explained
    • The first sentence is a synopsis that summarizes the text or story in a nutshell.
    • Imagine that you are responding to the question "What is the podcast about?”
    • The second sentence describes the central points of the podcast.
    • The third sentence is summarizing the storyline into one sentence

7. Creating a Podcast Reflection

Then create your 7th blog post.  Addressing the question in the “Reflect” part of the Creating a Podcast hyperdoc for steps 2-4.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

6. What career path would you consider to take within the housing, interior design, and furnishings industries?

Step 1: Describe what happened or what you did.

Step 2: Interpret how things went by using one (or more) of these sets of terms:
  • Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Successes and Setbacks

  • One of these words: meaningful, significant, important, relevant, or useful.

Step 3: What have you learned due to this experience?

Step 4: Answer one (or more) of these questions:
  • What can you do to improve your learning?
  • How will you extend your learning past what is expected?

5. Guest Speaker

Answer the following in your blog.
  • What questions do you still have?
  • What are 3 things you learned from this presentation?
  • How could you use this information in the future?

4. How do you prepare to have the best job interview?

Write a summary about what you learned about job interviews.  Each word cost $.10 do not go over $3.00.

3. Cover Letter

Part I – Key Points of Project
  • Identify three key points you learned from this project.
Part II - Analyze
  • On a scale of 1 to 5 identify the number that best represents the events of the project.
    • Scale Value:    1= Never       3 = Neutral     5 = Always
    • I was well-prepared for this project
    • I understand what is expected of me in the preparation and participation of the project.
    • I feel encouraged to participate in section and respond to others.
    • The instructor treats students with respect.
  • Identify the advantages of the topic and suggestions on how to make it better,
  • Identify the disadvantages or negatives and suggestions on how to make it better,
  • Identify those aspects of the topic that don’t fall into either positive or negative categories but are interesting.  
Part III - Application
Answer the following questions with complete responses:
  • How can I apply what I learned from this project to my life?
  • I was surprised...
  • I should be concerned about this topic because... 

2. Career Research Mind Map

Include a list of the major steps of the project in your reflection.

In your reflection please include the following about yourself:

  • What is the most important thing you learned in this project?
  • What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?
  • What part of the project did you do your best work on?

In your reflection please include the following about the project:

  • What was the most enjoyable part of this project?
  • What was the least enjoyable part of this project?
  • How could your teacher(s) change this project to make it better next time?